General Election a major milestone for Modern Democracy

5th July 2024

General Election a major milestone for Modern Democracy

By Siobhan Donaghy, CEO of Modern Democracy

In a year that had already been a record one for Modern Democracy, the UK General Election marks yet another significant milestone.

Working with almost 50 local authorities across the UK as their chosen polling day partner, we served an electorate of 4.5 million across an incredible 3556 polling places.  With significant turnout figures the system delivered on speed and efficiency.

With 4105 secure ePollbooks utilised across our partner councils, it was the busiest day on record for the Modern Polling platform.

For our customers across the country, it meant a stress-free polling day experience for voters and elections staff alike.  Election managers had real-time visibility of all poll stations, allowing them to deal with issues quickly.

Once again, it illustrated that ePollbooks are now very much the standard when it comes to voter check-in and poll station management.


Behind the scenes, our team was working around the clock on election day, ensuring that all systems were operating as intended while we remained on stand-by throughout should customers require any additional assistance.

As a result of the smooth running, shortly after polls closed at 10pm, staff at polling stations where Modern Polling was being used were able to produce all the required statutory reports digitally, at the touch of a button, allowing counting to get under way at speed.

While the General Election itself is over, we know of course that elections are not just about that one day a year.

Providing best in class customer service is at the very core of what we do, and it is very much a two-way street.  We have developed Modern Polling alongside our customers and are committed to continually improving the platform with their input.

That’s exactly why, over the coming days and weeks, we’ll be talking to our customers, receiving feedback on their experiences that we can then incorporate into how we work with all local authorities moving forward.

With a busy schedule of by-elections ahead, we are never far away from the next election day as we scale to deal with increasing demand for Modern Polling from local authorities across the UK.

Thanks to all our team, partners, and our customers for going the extra mile and delivering another outstanding election success.

If you want to find out about using Modern Polling for your next election day, contact us on +44 2871 867 631 or