5th June 2024
The May 2024 Elections – the biggest ever deployment of epollbooks in the UK

By Andy Tiffin, Product Ambassador, Modern Democracy.
It was another successful election for all the Modern Polling Councils, including the 19 that joined us for the first time this May. An amazing 4.5 million voters had access to Modern Polling at almost 4000 Polling stations delivered via 3,240 tablets.
While every Electoral Services Team’s job is always difficult, challenging and demanding, Modern Polling takes away all the heavy lifting and really does make everything easier for them.
Simple to Use - Quick to train
Guiding along even the most nervous polling staff member with simple icon driven screens, making it impossible to issue the wrong BP to the wrong elector or mismark a CNL, effortlessly capturing ID data, populating VIDEFs and BPR’s and all fed into an easy close of poll experience.
When the EC surveyed* polling station staff in 2023; 86% of respondents rated Modern Polling as easier than paper and within that, an incredible 32% said it was significantly easier. Just look at what front line polling station staff said, "continue using the Modern polling app as this has saved a lot of time and issues," "Always use iPads," "Retain the iPad voting system," "Use of tablets - much more accurate and professional-looking to the public," and "We had iPads this time, which made it much easier and more efficient."
Modern Polling is loved by front line staff, it’s accurate, fast and with no paper, is more sustainable.
There are advantages for the back office too. It eliminates all those calls about what polling stations an elector should be voting at. They can all be handled by the Presiding Officer and their team. No need to make a call to the back office.
As for mailing out the marked register on Friday morning - that becomes not just some crazy fantasy but an actual reality.
Seamless integration – Powerful Analysis
Using normal export files from your EMS, it works with every software provider. Simple and easy. With a secure encrypted web portal for data uploads and all your management tools in one place accessible from any browser, from any device.
You get real time reporting, ‘up to the second’ turnout, easy updating of the Register for emergency proxies and you can even check on the battery level on each device allowing you to gently remind staff to keep them charged.
Then after the poll you have a range of diagnostic reports and easy access to the BPAs whilst all the encrypted files like the CNL are locked and sealed.
Modern Polling makes single poll clerk manned stations the norm. All those staff savings can be added up and used to offset your IT costs with us via the ECU.
We are the market leader and the only polling station tablet with a proven track record. Developed by a dedicated team that has elections experience going back over 20 years including ex Electoral Services Managers, and former AEA elected officers. We know what delivering elections is really like and that is why we built Modern Polling. It’s the future. Now.
For Modern Polling customers, the upcoming General Election is going to be the fastest, easiest, and smoothest in decades.
Make your life easier, call 028 7186 7631. Today.
Find out what our customers say here or talk to us.
*The Electoral Commission. Polling Staff 2023 Summary