21st May 2024
Reflecting on a record-breaking election for Modern Polling
By Siobhan Donaghy, CEO
At Modern Democracy, as the name of our company suggests, we are committed to creating the conditions that allow democracy to be delivered in a way that takes best advantage of the modern world.
Our answer is Modern Polling, our electronic poll-book that enables seamless voter verification and check-in at the polling station – and it’s now being used by local authorities in record-breaking number.
Already proven at significant scale, this year’s local government elections in England and Wales confirmed the impact of Modern Polling in easing the stress of elections for election managers and improving the experience for voters.
Here, we look back on the 2nd of May election in numbers:
- 4.5 million - the total electorate served by Modern Polling.
- 47 - the number of council areas across England and Wales that used the platform.
- 4,000 - the record number of polling stations that embraced our digital solution.
- 3,240 - the staggering number of secure iPads that were deployed for the Implementation of Modern Polling.
For us, the elections represented a milestone with the sheer breadth of Modern Polling’s roll out confirming that the use of electronic poll-books is now considered the norm for numerous local authorities across Britain and beyond.
And for council areas that used Modern Polling, in the wake of the election, they will already have completed all statutory requirements in terms of reporting, available at the touch of a button at the close of polls.
The successful delivery could only be realised because of our continued collaboration with our growing customer base. They have helped shape and improve Modern Polling throughout its development. Listening to our customers, responding to their needs, has been the backbone of our success.
These relationships are incredibly important to us as we build on our reputation as a trusted polling day partner, with our sole focus our electronic poll-book platform.
It is not just the technology itself, but our standing is based on the meticulous planning that goes into each election, that envisages all conceivable scenarios and mitigates against them. Addressing these scenarios is not about having backups but creating a robust, foolproof system where contingencies are as integral as the platform itself.
As we close the chapter on another election, attention is already turning to the anticipated UK General Election.
It will be biggest platform yet for electronic poll-books as interest increases across the country to join the latest wave in digital transformation, and we’re growing our team through continued investment and recruitment to meet that demand.
Talk to us about how we can partner with you to catapult your polling day into the modern world. Just contact us at +44 2871 867 63 or at sales@moderndemocracy.com