The May 2024 Elections – the biggest ever deployment of epollbooks in the UK


It was another successful election for all the Modern Polling Councils, including the 19 that joined us for the first time this May. An amazing 4.5 million voters had access to Modern Polling at almost 4000 Polling stations delivered via 3,240 tablets.

While every Electoral Services Team’s job is always difficult, challenging and demanding, Modern Polling takes away all the heavy lifting and really does make everything easier for them.

Reflecting on a record-breaking election for Modern Polling

Modern Democracy support staff on election day May 2024

At Modern Democracy, as the name of our company suggests, we are committed to creating the conditions that allow democracy to be delivered in a way that takes best advantage of the modern world.

Our answer is Modern Polling, our electronic poll-book that enables seamless voter verification and check-in at the

The Challenges of Delivering Change: An Opportunity for Progressive Councils!

The first two decades of this millennium have brought significant changes to electoral services. There doesn’t seem to be a pause in the pace of change for this new decade. The canvass reform will be implemented this year and in the queen’s speech the government indicated their intention to introduce new procedures at polling stations. While understanding the rationale for … Read More